RCATX team


Annie is the Program Manager of Rainbow Connections ATX and has been with Family Eldercare since 2017. She is a passionate advocate for human rights, equality and social justice, with a career dedicated to empowering marginalized communities. Annie is a dedicated volunteer within the local LGBTQ+ community, with a commitment to supporting Pride organizations, including the city’s large annual pride events. Over the years she has played a vital role in networking, outreach and fundraising efforts to promote inclusivity and celebrate diversity.

She has a passion for building connections and enhancing community engagement that raise awareness around LGBTQ+ issues, especially the unique challenges faced by older members of the community. Annie is committed to fostering environments where elder LGBTQ+ individuals can live authentically and with dignity. She is focused on cultivating initiatives that ensure the elder LGBTQ+ population have access to vital resources, support networks and social opportunities. She believes everyone deserves a place to feel safe and valued and hopes to amplify the voices of those who are often overlooked.

Annie has a bachelor's degree in Rehabilitative Services with a concentration in Addiction Studies, a master’s degree in Psychology and a minor in Biology.  She and her wife moved to Austin more than 10 years ago and the two embrace the beauty of life’s offerings, finding joy in exploring new experiences together, traveling to new places, enjoying local cultural events or simply spending quality time with friends and family.

World Famous *BOB

World Famous *BOB* is the Program Coordinator as well as co-queerator of Rainbow Connections ATX, a program of Family Eldercare.

A non-binary performing artist and event host that has travelled the globe since 1998, World Famous *BOB* is also an Ultimate Self Confidence coach and fierce advocate for the Two-Spirit LGBTQIA+ community with a focus on the inclusion of elders. Their public lectures on confidence have been offered at several universities as well as The Body Love Conference. *BOB* has also been a guest lecturer at NYU on gender as performance for 12 years and was a presenter at the 2023 Creating Change Conference. They are on the advisory board of Qwell and in the 2023 cohort of the Equality of Texas Leaders Program. *BOB* is the proud Mother of The House of Famous and lives in the Pink Poodle Palace with their rescue poodles, kitties, and Husbear.

*BOB* shares that, “Hanging out with older people is like getting a post card from your future and who doesn’t want to read that”? In the Queer community these postcards can save lives. Not only is it imperative that elders in the Two-Spirit LGBTQIA+ community be acknowledged as the building blocks of current and future Queer liberation but also as whole people who beyond being a resource desire connection into the world they helped shape.

Social isolation is a measurable conduit to poor physical and mental health. Through multi-generational programming and events through RCATX a real sense of value can be shone on every stage of life. You’re invited to our next event and *BOB* hopes to meet you!